Citomed 50mg Balkan (liothyronine)


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Cytomed Balkan (liothyronine)

– Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceutical
– Dosage form: tablets
– Duration of action: about 7 hours

pharmachologic effect

Many bodybuilders resort to using Liothyronine as a weight loss aid.
Liothyronine has a powerful fat-burning effect, increases calorie consumption and speeds up metabolism, thyroxine has an adrenaline-like effect, making the heart beat faster, and at the same time causes a feeling of excitement and anxiety, which are not very well tolerated.
However, many side effects can be eliminated by combining thyroxine and beta-blockers. Beta-blockers inhibit the receptors through which liothyronine acts on the heart, thus, they prevent the negative effect of thyroxine on the heart, normalize the rhythm and reduce the side effects of thyroxine.
Many believe that liothyronine can irreversibly suppress the function of their own thyroid gland, however, studies have shown that even large doses of the drug in 3 weeks of taking the drug reduce the secretion of their own hormones by only 20%, while after 4 weeks the secretion returned to normal.
Benefits of thyroxin: high availability and efficiency.
Disadvantages of thyroxin-liothyronine: a fairly large number of side effects, but many of them can be prevented.

Application and dosage

Start taking liothyronine with 50 mcg per day, 2 times a day (25 mcg) in the first half of the day.
Take 25 mg of metoprolol (a beta-blocker that relieves heart congestion and palpitations) in the morning if your afternoon pulse rate is above 70 bpm.per minute at rest, then take another 25 mg of metoprolol. Gradually increase the dose to 150-300 micrograms per day, 3 times a day until 18:00.
Increase the daily dose of metoprolol to 100 mg (50 mg twice a day).
The dosage of metoprolol is selected individually, so that the pulse rate at rest is 60-70 bpm. per minute. Reduce thyroxine dose if severe side effects occur.
Monitor your heart rate if your resting heart rate is above 80
– increase the dose of metoprolol by 25 mg, if the resting heart rate is below 60 beats per minute, reduce the dose of metoprolol by 25 mg. Watch your blood pressure, it should not be higher than 140/90 mm Hg. Art. Metoprolol can lower blood pressure.
The duration of the course is 4-7 weeks.
Do not stop taking thyroxine abruptly: start reducing the dose 2 weeks before the end of the cycle, continue the gradual reduction until complete withdrawal. The minimum break after the end of the course is 3-4 weeks.
If heaviness occurs in the region of the heart, it is better to add – Asparkam in addition to Metoprolol. 4-6 tablets per day, divided into 2-3 doses, after meals.
Also, it will not be superfluous to improve the functioning of the heart with Riboxin. 2-4 tablets at a time, 2-3 times a day. Riboxin will improve the energy balance of the myocardium, and Asparkam will become a source of Potassium and Magnesium, necessary to maintain a normal heart rhythm.

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