TESTOGEN 100MG Genetic Labs (testosterone propionate)



TESTOGEN 100MG Genetic Labs (propionate test)

– Manufacturer: Genetic Labs
– Drug class: anabolic steroid
– Release form: bottle with injection solution
– Duration of activity: 2-3 days
– Time of presence in the body: no more than 4 weeks
– Anabolic action: 100% – Androgenic action: 100%
– Effects on liver function: none
– Effects on the hypothalamic-gonadal system: present

TESTOGEN 100MG Genetic Labs (testosterone propionate) – an anabolic type drug that is relevant and in demand in bodybuilding and other power sports.

pharmachologic effect

TESTOGEN 100MG Genetic Labs (testosterone propionate) – a steroid for the growth of muscle mass, which, due to its characteristics, is used by athletes during the drying period and for the formation of muscle relief.
Structurally, Testosterone Propionate is an ester form of testosterone with an additional propionic acid molecule. Thanks to its formula, Testosterone Propionate provokes the effect of hyperplasia in muscle tissue – an increase in the number of cells.
Testosterone propionate helps athletes recover quickly after significant physical exertion – this is achieved by increasing the synthesis in the body of creatine phosphate – a compound that affects the energy supply of cells.
PROPIONAT increases strength and reduces the risk of heart disease, testosterone propionate almost does not retain water in the body, which allows you to save the muscle weight gained during the course and makes it "dry" and of high quality.

Application and dosage

TESTOGEN 100MG Genetic Labs (testosterone propionate) applied in a course of 2-4 weeks.For athletes taking anabolic drugs for the first time, a dosage of no more than 50 mg per injection every second day is recommended.
Experienced athletes may administer 100 mg or more daily. To avoid side effects, you should take atiestrogen (Proviron) in parallel with Testosterone Propionate. This will help to avoid excessive fluid retention in the body, and eliminate the risk of gynecomastia. After the end of the reception, a course of rehabilitation therapy using Tamoxifen is recommended.
To maintain the gained mass at the exit from the course, it is advisable to take Cortisol. Do not forget about the special sports diet during the course.

Combination with other steroids

Quite often, athletes in one injection combine testosterone propionate with other water-based anabolic steroids or with vitamin B12, which is able to level the pain during the injection.
It is necessary to change the injection site each time to avoid the risk of local complications.
It is not recommended for women to take propik because of its pronounced androgenic activity.
The duration of the course is usually 4-5 weeks. According to experts and experienced athletes, it makes no sense to take this drug for longer, since there will be no effect from this.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects at reasonable doses of Testosterone Propionate are easily eliminated with the help of aromatase inhibitors.
TESTOGEN 100MG Genetic Labs (Testosterone Propionate) is a drug popular with experienced bodybuilders, which is suitable for both regular training and pre-competition preparatory phase.

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