Drostanolone Enanthate 200mg Magnus (Masteron Enanthate)


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Masteron Enanthate 200mg Magnus

– Producer: Magnus (India)
– Classification – anabolic steroid
– Dosage form
– vial with oil injection solution
– Active ingredient – drostanolone enanthate
– Anabolic effect – 120% of testosterone
– Androgenic effect – 50% of testosterone
– Aromatization – absent
– Hepatotoxicity – weak
– Active period – from 15 to 20 days
– Time of presence in the body – up to 3 months

Masteron – 200 Enanthate – a drug with a moderate anabolic effect and weak androgenic activity. In the injectable form, it is an ether and has a long-lasting effect on cellular structures.

pharmachologic effect

Masteron – 200 Magnus Enanthate (masteron enanthate) – has a long active period – about 2 weeks. This anabolic steroid is available in the form of esters such as propionate and enanthate. Its main property is that it has androgenic activity, which allows you to achieve significant results.
And its anabolic effect is rather moderate, in connection with which Masteron is used for weight gain, more often the drug is included at the end of the course to achieve muscle stiffness and relief. This is especially important for those athletes who are subject to doping controls.
This anabolic has a beneficial effect not only in preparation for the competition, but is also great for building excellent muscles. This method of application is ideally combined with daily sports loads.
If you decide to start taking such an anabolic, then order it in our online store anabolpill-store.com.Within a day you will receive this drug and you can use it.
Masteron has no side effects associated with aromatization (gynecomastia, the formation of fatty deposits, edema) and does not cause a rollback at the end of the course. For some athletes, this remedy is also suitable for building muscle weight, especially if a long course of 10 weeks is practiced. Muscles grow slowly, but the result is more stable and of high quality.

Application and dosage

Masteron Enanthate – 200 fit for drying, relief and mass preservation lasts 4 weeks. A safe dosage is 200-400 mg weekly. Injections are made once, in 3-4 days, usually in the gluteal muscle.
For athletes, swimmers and combat sportsmen, a weekly amount of 200 mg is sufficient. Masteron does not allow conversion to estrogen.
Thus, a person receives good muscle elasticity, their relief and hardness. Contraindications to the use can also be, but very rarely.
You can take about 200-400 milligrams three times a week.
Longer courses of Masteron, despite the safety and softness of the drug, still require post-cycle therapy with Clomid to normalize hormonal levels.

Combination with other steroids

For the purpose of mass gain, Masteron is combined with Sustanon, Turinabol for the purpose of drying – with Winstrol Stanozolol.

Side effects and contraindications

Magnus – 200 (masteron enanthate) contraindicated in persons with chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. With reasonable dosages and the correct duration of cycles, the drug is practically harmless and does not affect the internal organs.
Masteron enanthate is a safe drug that can be safely recommended to beginners in bodybuilding for a gradual increase in quality and relief mass.
It is also suitable for athletes with extensive experience – the "pros" use it for stiffness and muscle definition.
Buy quality Masteron is not expensive in USA. You can in our online store anabolpill-store.com

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