Pharma Test C 250 (testosterone cypionate)



Testosterone cypionate 250mg

  • – Of. validation site:

– Manufacturer: Pharmacom Labs

– Classification: long-acting anabolic steroid

– Dosage form: bottle of injectable oily solution

– Effect duration: 15-16 days

– Detection time in the body: 90 days or more

– Fluid retention: negligible

– Effects on liver function: negligible

Pharma Test C 250 (testosterone cypionate) – a long-acting anabolic steroid that causes a noticeable muscle gain, which increases the strength and endurance of athletes.

pharmachologic effect

It is used in bodybuilding and power triathlon (powerlifting). The cypionate formula is a long ester of testosterone, which, due to its chemical characteristics, lingers in the body for a long time, stimulating cell receptors.
Testosterone Cypionate promotes the preservation of nitrogen in cells and the intensive synthesis of a structural protein from which muscle tissues are formed. The rapid gain in significant muscle volume is partly due to the conversion of testosterone to estrogen and fluid retention in the body.
To prevent side effects, it is recommended to take aromatase inhibitors and auxiliary antiestrogenic drugs (Tamoxifen) in parallel with the course.

Application and dosage

The duration of the effect of Testosterone Cypionate is quite long, but to maintain a constantly high concentration of hormonal levels in the blood, it should be administered weekly. A single optimal dose of the drug is 250-500 mg.
Practice shows that increasing the dose of a noticeable increase in muscle weight does not give, but increases the risk of side effects. During the course, it is recommended to use Proviron, which prevents the conversion of Testosterone Cypionate and eliminates side effects.

Combination with other steroids

Cypionate is also effective in solo use, but sometimes it is included in combined courses with Turinabol – stanozolol.

Side effects and contraindications

Exceeding dosages provokes the risk of developing gynecomastia, negatively responds to liver function and can cause temporary hypertension (increased blood pressure).
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