ProvinoX 50mg 100tabs Malay Tiger (Proviron)


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Description: ProvinoX 50mg 100tabs (Proviron)

– Manufacturer: Malay Tiger

– Grade: synthetic androgen

– Dosage form: oral tablets

– Duration of action: up to 24 hours

– Effects on the liver: low

– Active ingredient: Mesterolone

ProvinoX 50mg 100tabs Malay Tiger (Proviron) – a hormonal drug used by bodybuilding athletes to suppress estrogenic activity during the course use of anabolic steroids.

pharmachologic effect

It is also used in post cycle therapy to restore natural hormonal levels.
It is also worth noting the positive effect exerted by Mesterolone during "drying", that is, increasing the rigidity of the muscles and the ability to give the muscles an amazing definition.
With Proviron, the athlete will achieve better muscle hardness, because. androgen levels rise and estrogen levels remain low.
This is especially evident when preparing for the championships in combination with a diet.
changes in erectile function.
Proviron blocks globulin and albumin – enzymes that bind testosterone in the body.
Thus, there is more free testosterone in the bloodstream. This affects sexual activity, and also speeds up some anabolic processes – for example, protein synthesis.

Application and dosage

ProvinoX 50mg 100tabs Malay Tiger (Proviron) often taken before competitions – the use of this drug gives the muscles volume, rigidity and relief – the muscle mass becomes drier and of better quality.Athletes also use Proviron during courses of anabolics with a low androgenic effect (for example, Nandrolone or Trenbolone). These anabolics have such a side effect as the suppression of the natural activity of testosterone, and Proviron restores hormonal balance.
The optimal daily amount of Proviron for men is 50 mg. This dose is divided into two doses – the drug is used after meals, without chewing and drinking water.
Proviron is usually taken from the second week after the start of anabolic cycles of Nandrolone, Trenbolone and other steroids with high aromatization and low androgenic effect.
Athletes, who naturally have higher levels of estrogen, often add Proviron to steroids, which is manifested in increased muscle density.
It used to be common among professional bodybuilders to take 25 mg daily for several weeks, i.e. one 25 mg tablet a day, sometimes for months, to look lean for a whole year. This is especially important in relation to performances and filming. Today, Clenbuterol is most often taken for a whole year, because it does not cause virilization phenomena that are possible with Proviron. Because Proviron is very effective, 50 mg per day is enough for men. This means that the athlete swallows one 25 mg tablet in the morning, another of the same in the evening. In some cases, one such tablet is enough.
When Proviron is combined with Tamoxifen (Proviron 50mg per day and Nolvadex 20mg per day), almost complete estrogen suppression occurs. Even better results are obtained with 50 mg of Proviron per day and 500 – 1000 mg of Fludestrin per day. But since Fludestrin is an extremely expensive drug, most athletes do not even stutter about this combination.

Side effects and contraindications

In post-cycle therapy, Proviron is sometimes combined with Clomid to quickly restore natural hormonal activity. Side effects In optimal doses, the drug is practically harmless. In case of overdose, it can adversely affect the function of the prostate gland.
Proviron in men at a dose of 2 – 3 tablets is extremely small, so Proviron in combination with a steroid cycle can be taken relatively safely for more than a few weeks. Proviron is very well tolerated by the liver and there will be no liver dysfunction at the indicated dosages.

PROVIRON – a time-tested drug, actively used by experienced bodybuilders during anabolic cycles and in preparation for competitions.
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