Steroid cycle for mass


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Safe – Cycle of steroids for gaining muscle mass

– Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceutical

– Pharmacological classification: turinabol 100tab – anabolic steroid

– Release form: tablets for internal use

– Drug activity: 15 hours

– Detection time: about 8 weeks

– Enanthate ampoules 10pcs

– Growth of muscle mass

– Effect on the liver: no

– High anabolic activity

– Clomid 20tab + Anastrozole 20tab – for PCT

pharmachologic effect

Turinabol – a drug in tablets for the growth of pure muscle mass. Not subject to aromatization, well suited for beginners.
Testosterone enanthate – Produced in injectable form, great for a quick set of muscle mass. Safe in reasonable dosages, works well in tandem with tablet steroids such as anapalon, turinabol, stanazolol.
Anastrozole – well suited for post-course PCT, both at the beginning of the course and at the end, it prevents such an effect as (itching in the nipples) and tighter.
Clomid – used at the end of the course to restore the production of your own testosterone…
A more detailed description can be found under the drugs themselves.

Application and dosage

At the beginning of this course, it is advisable to drink for a week anastrozole 1 mg every two days and at the end of the course.
Turinabol start taking ro 30-40mg per day
Enanthate put the first week at 250 mg, then at 500 mg divided by 2 injections example: Monday – Thursday
Clomid start using at the end of the steroid course at 50 mg per day for 20 days.

Side effects and contraindications

Exceeding dosages affects liver function, but this can be avoided by protecting this organ with hepatoprotectors.
Our steroid cycle for mass, suitable for both beginners in the world of strength sports for a “quick start”, and experienced athletes.

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